Friday, January 31, 2014

Emily's movin' on UP

When you have sister who is a Chemical Engineer, she usually has Chemical Engineer friends.
Some who even want to move half way across the country with the same company.
I am sure their stories about life in Texas will be comical.

It is so nice that they have each other to be friends with.
Their adventures will go on and on and I am sure they will take a little PSU to the South with them.

Mary Beth

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

College Grad

She did it ladies and gentlemen!!
My middlest sister graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering!
And even survived to tell the tale.

So incredibly proud of this super smart smartie!
You have an awesome future ahead!
-insert geeky proud big sister smiles here-

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cousin Love

These kids have some of the best smiles EVER!
Not to mention, their giggles are contagious.

The 5 of them were a blast to photograph!
I am sure that Santa brought them everything on their lists:)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Momma's Girl

Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls!!
It was a blast to get to see Theresa again and to FINALLY meet Ava!
Who doesn't love some Momma Daughter photos?!
And Grumpy Cat faces too.

This day was so so so much fun, even though it was practically a blizzard outside!
Can't wait to do it again ladies!
Mary Beth

Saturday, January 18, 2014

6 Month Old Happy Man!

It has been so cold and snowy, this little boy is sure to melt any ice near you and slap a smile on your face!


Time flies when you are a smiling baby boy!

Happy Weekend!
Mary Beth